Jonathan Melton

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August/September meetings summary: Convention Center expansion, Omni Hotel, new City Attorney

City Council returned from "summer break" in mid-August. Below is a summary of our August and September meetings.

1.  We authorized staff to proceed with text changes to implement some of our Community Climate Action Plan goals.  We learned that 42% of greenhouse gas emissions in Raleigh are caused by transportation and land use; two areas we have authority to influence from the Council table.  Based upon staff's recommendations, we authorized text changes to require EV charging in new multifamily developments, require pedestrian connections for new developments even when a full road connection isn't required, and prohibit new drive-thrus downtown and in other walkable areas.  These proposed changes will go out for public feedback and then come back to City Council for final approval.

2.  We approved funding for PNC Arena renovations, a convention center hotel, convention center expansion, and Red Hat Amphitheater relocation and improvements.  These funds are from the Hospitality Tax, a special tax that can only be used for tourism-generating projects.  $300 million was allocated to PNC Arena improvements and renovations, and the Hurricanes extended their lease and will remain in Raleigh for another 20 years.  They will also redevelop some of the parking lots surrounding the arena into a mixed use entertainment district.  $75 million was allocated to a new convention center hotel (more on that item below), and a little more than $350 million was allocated to expand the convention center and relocate and improve Red Hat Amphitheater.  The convention center expansion will be built on the current site of Red Hat Amphitheater, and the amphitheater will move across the street to a presently vacant parking lot.  

3.  We hired a new City Attorney, Karen McDonald.  I was on the committee who conducted the attorney search and was quickly impressed with Karen.  Karen was previously the Fayetteville City Attorney for 20 years.  She serves on the North Carolina League of Municipalities Board and was president of the North Carolina Municipal Attorneys Association in 2021.  We are so lucky to have Karen in Raleigh now!

4.  We authorized staff to enter into final contract negotiations with Omni Hotels & Resorts to construct a full-service, 500 room hotel downtown near the Convention Center.  Raleigh is severely lacking in available hotel rooms, especially near the Convention Center.  We learned that our peer cities have 65% more inventory, and in the past few years, we've lost numerous conventions due to lack of hotel space.  This new Omni Hotel will provide a much-needed boost, while also converting a surface parking lot into active uses.  The Omni will be constructed on one of the surface parking lots in front of the Performing Arts Center.  The hotel will not block the view of the Performing Arts Center from the Capitol Building.  

5.  We continue to allocate more funding and resources to the creation and preservation of affordable housing.  Some recent examples include: purchasing a 4.89-acre site on Kent Road to assist the developer of Parkside Apartments, a 144-unit affordable family rental development serving low-to-moderate-income households; leasing 505, 514, 601, & 605 Peach Road, 509 Fenwick Drive, and 2800 S. Saunders St. for the Pines at Peach Road 119-unit affordable rental development.

Our next regular City Council meetings are next Tuesday, October 3, at 1 p.m. and 7 p.m.